Friday, April 26, 2024

Exhausting the Public by an Impossible Day of Sighting

Great suspicion is caused if the crescent is reported to have been sighted after those of reliable knowledge of religion and astronomy state that it cannot be seen, those engaged in this field are inevitably aware of this.
The levels (of visibility) are: total impossibility of visibility, remote possibility of visibility, close possibility of visibility, the possibility of seeing is more likely, and finally, possibility is evident and clear.
The ordinarily impossible might be rationally possible, but what we mean here by impossibility is that it is ordinarily and rationally impossible. When the visibility is ruled impossible, witness for it is not accepted. [1]

As mentioned above by the great scholar of the 14th century Taqi al-Din al-Subki “When the visibility is ruled impossible, witness for it is not accepted” based on this we are seeing it as part of our present-day moon-sighting criteria: 

If reliable Muslim astronomers confirm that on a particular day sighting the first crescent is impossible, based on the observation of astronomy that day shall be accepted as a day the first crescent shall not be visible.” [2]  

Impossibility of the crescent visibility can be divided into two, total impossibility and not possible.

Total impossibility: this can occur under two instances on the 29th day of the lunar month: 

  1. Conjunction occurs after sunset or with the sunset. 
  2. Moonset before sunset.

The not possible visibility is when the crescent is below the Danjon limit. Danjon limit is the minimum angle between the Sun and the Moon from which the Moon can be seen shortly after the conjunction, this limit will vary from the observation methods and the instruments used. [3]

Even though these matters are explicit and well established, I wonder why the authorities cause confusion among the public requesting them to sight while knowing that the visibility of the crescent is impossible. It would be much clearer if they could inform the public in advance about completing the month with 30 days and announcing the commencement of the next month.


29th of Ramadān 1445 (09/APR/2024)

The crescent was sighted and the month of Shawwal commenced on 10/APR/2024, so the 29th of Shawwal 1445, falls on 08/MAY/2024,


which is an impossible day to sight the crescent. It should have been made known to the public that the month of Shawwal would be 30 days. And also, the commencing of Zul Qa'dha 1445, would be on 10/MAY/2024. Further, the next sighting for the month of Zul Hijjah 1445, would be on 07/JUN/2024.

This method preserves the actual sighting, while eliminating confusion.

And Allah knows best!
M. Irfan Razick


Revised: 30/Apr/2024 with updated maps.

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  1. Samira Daoud Al-Aani (2013), الأدلة في اثبات الاهلة – للإمام تقي الدين علي بن عبد الكافي السبكي [Evidence in proving the crescent moon - by Imam Taqi Al-Din Ali bin Abdul Kafi Al-Subki]
  2. ACJU (2008): Five criteria on deciding the first crescent
  3. Wenceslao Segura (2021), Danjon Limit: Schaefer’s Method